Various Surfaces PVC Coated Gloves

2022/03/05 16:21

PVC is a polymer obtained from two natural primary materials: sodium chloride and petroleum. Due to its characteristics, this material is widely used in manufacturing work gloves.

Main features:
- Flexible even at -20C (68F)
- High chemical resistance (as long as the glove is manufactured especially for this purpose)

- Construction
- Handling equipment and abrasive materials covered in water, oil or grease.
- Plumbing
- Cleaning services
- Public works

Type of finishes:

1.Smooth finishPVC glove with interlock cotton or Jersey cotton liner,with Smooth finish

2.Rough finish:PVC glove with interlock cotton or Jersey cotton liner,with Rough finish 

3.Sandy finish:PVC glove with interlock cotton or Jersey cotton liner,with Sandy finish